Anaphylaxis in a food allergy outpatient department: one-year review
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Authors Information
Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department, Coimbra University Center, Coimbra, Portugal
Published online: 30 November 2017
Accepted: 8 November 2017
Received: 14 September 2017
Background. Anaphylaxis is an acute, potentially fatal, multi-organ allergic reac-tion. Our aim was to characterize the population with food induced anaphylaxis followed over a one-year period. Methods. Retrospective analysis of clinical files of patients with food anaphylaxis observed in our food allergy consultation dur-ing 2016. Results. Sixty-two patients were included. In the pediatric group, the implicated allergens were cow’s milk, egg and fish and in the adults’ group, the commonest allergens were nuts and wheat. Allergy to shrimp affected equally children and adults. The most frequent symptoms were urticaria (85.5%), angi-oedema (64.5%) and dyspnea (62.9%). Cofactors were present in 32.6% of pa-tients, mainly exercise. Asthma and/or rhinitis were the most frequent comorbidi-ties. Conclusion. In accordance to other studies, milk and egg were the most im-plicated allergens in children. Anaphylaxis in adults reflects the Mediterranean sensitization pattern. Exercise was the most relevant cofactor.