

Cover letter

For the purpose of publication, the Authors must sign a cover letter in which the following information is reported in a declaration signed by the corresponding Author:

  • the manuscript has neither been previously published, nor under consideration for publication elsewhere; the Authors have obtained written permission for the reproduction of images, figures or algorithms protected by copyright; if the article is published, the Author’s rights concerning the article itself will be transferred to the Editor;
  • existence or not of economic or other types of conflicts of interest regarding the article presented;
  • the manuscript was read and approved by all Authors;
  • for original articles, formal approval by the local Ethics Committee of the research proposed for publication is available.

Title page preparation (.docx format) 

Title page must contain:

– manuscript title;

– names of the Authors: full names of the authors and complete surnames of each Author; each Author’s affiliation must be IN ENGLISH;

– name and address of the Institution where the work was carried out;

– list of the ORCIDs of the authors who own one.

– Information about Corresponding author (only one corresponding author is allowed for each manuscript):

  • complete Name and Surname
  • complete address;
  • ORCID Identification;
  • e-mail address to which the PDF of the drafts will be sent.

Manuscript preparation (.docx format) 


Follow the rules according to manuscript type:

Original article 

  • Abstract (250 word maximum) for original articles must be subdivided in the following paragraphs: Background. Xxxxxxxx. Methods. Xxxxxxxx. Results. Xxxxxxxx. Conclusions. Xxxxxxxx.
    In case of clinical trials, at the end of the abstract, indicate (if applicable) ID code and the repository of the study registration.
  • Impact statement is required (30 words maximum).
  • Main text should be subdivided in the following sections:
    -Materials and methods
    -Discussion and conclusions
  • Max. 6 tables or 6 figures or a mix.

Review article

  • Abstract (250 word maximum) for reviews should be unstructured or subdivided in the following paragraphs: Background. Xxxxxxxx. Methods. Xxxxxxxx. Results. Xxxxxxxx. Conclusions. Xxxxxxxx.
    At the end of the abstract indicate (if applicable) ID code and the repository of the study registration.
  • Impact statement is required (30 words maximum).
  • Main text can be organized according to the authors’ preference or it could be divided in the following sections:
    -Discussion and conclusions.
  • Max. 6 tables or 6 figures or a mix.

Position paper

  • Abstract (250 word maximum) for position paper should be unstructured.
  • Impact statement is required (30 words maximum).
  • Main text can be organized according to the authors’ preference.
  • Max. 6 tables or 6 figures or a mix.

Letter to the Editor 

  • Abstract is not required.
  • Impact statement is not required.
  • Division into paragraphs is not required
  • It should begin with: “To the Editor,”
  • Max. 2 tables or 2 figures or a mix.

(on articles published in the Journal)

  • Abstract is not required.
  • Impact statement is not required
  • Main text should be 600 words and 10 references maximum.
  • Max. 2 tables or 2 figures or a mix.

In case of humans/animals involvements, remember to mention Ethical approval and Informed consent in the text.

All the manuscripts:

Key words: indicate 3-5 key words under the abstract.

The style of writing should conform to English usage and syntax. Authors whose mother tongue is not English are urged to have their manuscripts checked for linguistic correctness before submission. Slang, technical jargon, obscure abbreviations and abbreviated phrasing should be avoided.

-At the end of the manuscript, before the References listed, indicate the Compliance with Ethical Standards statements:

  • Fundings for any type (charity or commercial company, government department, etc.), should be stated here.
  • Contributions of each author. The authors should be identified with initials, e.g.: Maria Beatrice Bilò is MBB; Danilo Villalta is DV and with at least one of the following roles, according to the CRediT (Contributor Roles Taxonomy): Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, Visualization, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. For more information, refer to: https://credit.niso.org/.
  • Conflict of interests because Authors must include financial relationships, political, intellectual or religious interests, according to the ICMJE recommendations (http://www.icmje.org/disclosure-of-interest/).
  • Acknowledgments are not mandatory


Editorial Office suggests to use references no older than 6 years (Reviews excluded). The aim is an up-to-date bibliography.

References must be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text;
Scientific articles must be listed with:
-the author’s surname(s), followed by initial of first name; when there are more than 6 authors, the exceeding authors must be replaced by the word et al.
-the title of the work, in the original language.
-for journals: usual title abbreviations according to international nomenclature and in the following order year, volume number, issue number (in parenthesis), first and last page numbers of the work

Books must state the name of the author/editor, title, publisher/institution, town where published, first and last page number of the work.

Follow the examples:

Articles with less than 6 authors: Bilò MB, Turillazzi S, Cortellini G, Pravettoni V. The increasing cases of allergy to Vespa velutina in Europe: which immunotherapy. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2023;55(4):149-51. doi: 10.23822/EurAnnACI.1764-1489.298.

Articles with 6 or more authors: Bilò MB, Martini M, Antonicelli L, Aliani M, Carone M, Cecchi L, et al. Severe asthma: follow-up after one year from the Italian Registry on Severe Asthma (IRSA). Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2023 ;55(5):199-211. doi: 10.23822/EurAnnACI.1764-1489.304.

Articles in press or Epub: Marra AM, Rossi CM, Piga MA, Moroncini G, Bilò MB. Eosinophil-associated diseases: the allergist’s and clinical immunologist’s perspective. Eur Ann Allergy Clin Immunol. 2024. doi: 10.23822/EurAnnACI.1764-1489.339

Books: Paupe J, Scheinman P (eds). Allergologie Pédiatrique. Flammarion, Paris, 1988: pp. 324-42.

When cited in the text, references should be written as follows: (1, 2) not superscript. Do not write the references using uppercase, small caps or italics.


All tables must be submitted separately from the primary manuscript. Add them in files in .docx format. Tables must be identified and referred in the manuscript with roman numerals and accompanied by a brief caption (e.g. table IV).

Tables will not be accepted in PowerPoint, PDF or JPG formats, which require retyping of the text for uniformity of style with journal graphics.


The figures (i.e., photographs, graphs, and diagrams, including flow charts) themselves should be submitted separately from the manuscript file (one file for each figure). Each figure should be numbered with an arabic numeral (according to its citation in the text). For composite figures, each component should be labeled with lowercase letters (e.g., figure 1A).

Use HELVETICA font for graphics’ elements. Photographs, graphs, diagrams, and flow charts must be supplied in one of the following formats: JPG (high resolution: min 300 dpi), TIFF (high resolution: min 600 dpi).

Legends: Captions for figures are to be provided in the text file at the end of the manuscript. DO NOT incorporate captions to figures.

NOTE: Figures must be presented separately, not inserted in the manuscript text and must not contain trade names or bibliographic references.

Illustrative material included in the article should ideally be unprotected by copyright. For tables or figures that have already been published (by the authors or others), permission to reproduce must be obtained from the copyright holder (in generally, the journal in which the material was originally published) and attached to the submission. Failure to obtain this permission prior to submission can delay publication of an accepted manuscript.

Authors should make sure that photographs of patients contain no identifying features. The patient must be asked to provide written informed consent to the publication of the photograph.

In addition, the Publisher reserves the right to not publish images not conforming to these requirements, which could affect the graphical quality of the journal.

-Acronyms, abbreviations, units of measurements

European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology recognizes the adoption of the International Systems of Units (SI-Units). Acronyms, abbreviations, and units of measurements without a legend and/or incomprehensible are not permitted. Remember to mention the extended word with the abbreviation into round brackets the first time the word appears in the study.



Submitted contributions are accepted for publication on the basis of scientific interest and relevance for European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, at the final discretion of the Editor in Chief, who will have blinded written evaluations from at least two anonymous reviewers.

The Journal is published in open access, without any article processing charge for the authors in case of acceptance.


Proofreading is the responsibility of the Authors regarding content and of the Editors regarding the technical part. The proofs for correction will be sent to the corresponding Author indicated in the manuscript. These must be corrected and returned to the editorial office by the date indicted in the accompanying letter and within 3 working days of their receipt.

After this deadline, ex officio correction and/or postponing of publication will occur, depending on the editorial priority of the Editor in Chief.

Responses received after the indicated date and requests for sending to another or more than one Author, different from the one indicated in the manuscript, will not be accepted.

NOTE: Proofreading corrections must avoid modifying the graphics already defined or modifying the content so to require a new peer-review process.



– Do not use too long sentences. Alternating short and medium lenght sentences could be useful.

– Use 2 key words in the first 65 characters of the title and in the first 2 lines of the abstract.

– Other key words should be spread throghout the abstract (up to 6 times) and the manuscript in a well-contexualized way.

– Key words are single words and short sentences.

– Tool to consult to search key words: GoogleTrends.

European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ISSN 1764-1489 | © 2024