
The perception of allergen-specific immunotherapy among chest physicians: an Italian survey


Background and Aim. This questionnaire-based study evaluated the overall level of knowledge about allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) among chest physicians, who are frequently involved in the management of respiratory allergies. This represents an interesting aspect, because chest physicians intercept many of the patients with allergic rhinitis w/wo asthma, in which SIT could be potentially indicated. Methods. A panel of experts prepared a questionnaire, involving 16 main points of interest/questions concerning the knowledge and use of SIT. Questionnaires were e-mailed (September-October, 2011) to randomly-selected specialists, and were returned anonymously. Results. 81 questionnaires from specialists using SIT were eligible. The respondent population had a mean age of 51 years (range 33-63 years, 74% male). The general knowledge on SIT is overall satisfactory among pulmonologists, and they are well aware that SIT is recommended in the available guidelines. Nevertheless, about 50% of physicians still believe that SIT has to be used as a last-choice adjunct when pharmacotherapy fails. Chest physicians are well aware that SIT has a disease-modifying effect, in addition to its short-term clinical efficacy. Finally, the majority of interviewed specialists agree on the need of getting more information and education on SIT. Conclusions. This survey about the perception of SIT among chest physicians in Italy highlighted a satisfactory overall knowledge of SIT and only few weak points. These results would allow to take appropriate educational actions and this questionnaire could be used to monitor the possible effects of divulgation and educational initiatives over time.

European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ISSN 1764-1489 | © 2024