
Omalizumab: when the non-responder is a lateresponder


Omalizumab is an anti-IgE monoclonal antibody available since 2006 for the treatment of GINA step 4 asthma. We studied a 41-year old male who has been suffering from severe steroid-resistant asthma with severe co-morbidity and treated with Omalizumab. He was found to be non-responder to the treatment until the 48th week, starting from which we began to see a distinct improvement in the symptoms and all the correlated parameters, in addition to remission of the co-existent allergy to milk. Conclusions: we wish to point out the late response to Omalizumab, which occurred way beyond the times envisaged in literature. It seems possible that some patients are late responders to the drug.

Table of Content: Vol. 41 (No. 5) 2009 September

European Annals of Allergy and Clinical Immunology ISSN 1764-1489 | © 2024