Severe respiratory syndrome induced by allergic mono-sensitization to European hamster (Cricetus cricetus) in a older woman
Although the increase in the rate of hamster ownership, no report of allergic sensitization to common hamster (Cricetus cricetus)-derived allergens as a consequence of domestic exposure has been published in Italy. A 64-year-old woman was referred to our Allergy Centre for the recent onset of conjunctival and severe respiratory symptoms (rhinitis, cough, wheezing and dyspnea). About three months ago she had purchased a common hamster as home pet. Another hamster had lived at patient’s home for about four months nine years ago. The results of SPT revealed allergic sensitization to Cricetus cricetus dander only (wheal 6×7 mm, positive control 7×7 mm). Total IgE were 59,3 kU/L. Specific IgE only to Cricetus cricetus epithelia (2,10 kUA/L), were also detected. Spirometry revealed a moderate degree of bronchial obstruction. Some important considerations can be drawn from our report: a) few months of hamster ownership are probably sufficient to induce an allergic sensitization
and clinical symptoms, b) older age of sensitization in comparison to other studies, c) rapid remission of clinical symptoms after the removal of hamster d) skin prick tests and/or evaluation of specific IgE for hamster allergens should be performed in all potentially susceptible individuals.