An unusual case of occupational asthma in a part time magician. He has got an allergy surprise from his top hat!
In this report we describe a case of respiratory allergy induced by an unusual occupational exposure to rabbit. The patient worked as a part-time magician in theatres and private parties and the most popular performance of his show was to pull out a white rabbit from a top hat.
Unfortunately, a few minutes after the extraction of rabbit from top hat, the patient experienced the onset of upper and lower airway symptoms, and in some occasions he was forced to stop the show and to use short acting â2 agonists and intramuscular steroids. The results of SPT and evaluation of serological specific IgE (ImmunoCAP and ImmunoCAP ISAC IgE) revealed allergic sensitization to rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) dander as well as to Parietaria and dust mites.
ImmunoCAP ISAC IgE excluded allergic sensitization to other cross-reacting animal allergens.
Rabbit constitutes a reliable risk factor for allergic sensitization in individuals working as professional / part-time magicians or as animators in some recreational settings (resorts, parties, charity shows, etc).