Allergic rhinitis and associated pathologies: the rationale for steroid options
The aim of this review article is to provide greater insight into the relationship between allergic rhinitis and the three most frequently diagnosed conditions of exacerbating viral infections, chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. The alleged physiopathological effects of steroids are also investigated within the scope of this paper. Regarding the exacerbating viral infections, seems to establish a dynamic and counter relationship between the load and nature of the viral infection on one hand and widespread and pre-existing allergic inflammation on the other. If chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps and allergic rhinitis present overlapping picture of inflammatory cell and cytokine, the etyiological relationship between the two conditions appears to be influenced by the type of antigenic stimulus. Allergic rhinitis can influence the presence of OSAS through both obstructive and inflammatory mechanical factors. Topical corticosteroid therapy is a promising candidate as a new therapeutic tool able to improve symptoms and quality of life in patient with chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps and obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Other study are necessary to elucidate relationship between corticosteroids therapy and hypothetical benefit effect on viral infection when concomitant atopy in patient.